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Introduction to Stuttering & Working with Families of Children who Stutter

Introduction to Stuttering & Working with Families of Children who Stutter
Craig Coleman, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-F, Brooke Leiman, MA, CCC-SLP
September 9, 2015

 I want to talk about our goals for today’s session and for the rest of the week.  Today’s objectives include identifying the role a parent plays in how a child experiences stuttering and describing how to develop a blueprint for performing the initial interview of parents of children who stutter.  I will talk about some of the underlying causes and risk factors associated with stuttering and then Brooke will focus more on the roles that parents play, the interview process and how we interact with parents in the therapy process to build relationships.

Other goals for today are describing how to properly educate families on stuttering.  I think all of us who are part of this series would agree that is one of the fundamental roles that we play as speech language pathologists who work with families of children who stutter.  Having that effective therapeutic relationship with a client is critical to progress.  But when you work with children, it is ultimately about having a relationship with the entire family that makes the clinical process more effective. 


craig coleman

Craig Coleman, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-F

Craig Coleman, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-F, is an assistant professor at Marshall University and a Board-Certified Specialist in Fluency Disorders. Coleman is currently serving as coordinator of ASHA SIG 4 (Fluency) and as a member of the ASHA ad-hoc committee to revise the scope of practice in speech-language pathology. Craig is an adjunct instructor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Co-Director of the Stuttering U. summer program for children who stutter, their families, and SLPs.

brooke leiman

Brooke Leiman, MA, CCC-SLP

Brooke Leiman, MA, CCC-SLP is the Director of the Stuttering Clinic at National/Speech Language Therapy Center, with offices in Maryland and DC.  She is an affiliate of ASHA’s special interest group on Fluency Disorders and a part of a group of subject-matter experts that helped develop ASHA’s Practice Portal on Childhood Fluency Disorders.  Brooke also hosts www.stutteringsource.com, a website dedicated to building awareness and educating others on fluency disorders.

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