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eLuma Online Therapy - Own Boss - August 2024

Pediatric Processing Disorders: Interdisciplinary Roles and Assessment, presented in partnership with Cincinnati Children's

Pediatric Processing Disorders: Interdisciplinary Roles and Assessment, presented in partnership with Cincinnati Children's
Martha Coen-Cummings, PhD, CCC-SLP
August 16, 2016

I am going to be sharing with you our experience at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the way in which we approach processing disorders. We are very fortunate in that, in the last five years, we have been connected on Epic (electronic health record software). The disciplines with whom we need to speak are not necessarily in the same building; in fact, many times, we are not even in the same town, because we have a lot of satellite locations. But with Epic, we still have immediate access to each other’s evaluations. That is key, particularly when we have situations where we are trying to narrow down exactly what a child’s processing issue is.

With that being said, let’s look at the learner objectives for today. The participants will be able to: define the evaluating and team roles of the SLP, the occupational therapist, the audiologist, the ophthalmologist, and the pediatric neuropsychologist for a child diagnosed with a processing disorder; describe the pediatric referral criteria for each discipline's area relating to a processing disorder; describe the behavioral characteristics (in the pediatric population) of the following processing disorders: auditory, visual, sensory, behavioral regulation/attention, and language.

The Interdisciplinary Processing Team

The team members that we have, at least at Cincinnati Children’s Hospitals, would include audiology, psychology, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology, as well as optometry or sometimes ophthalmology. We are going to go through these elements.

You will notice that I had mentioned neuropsychology earlier, compared to psychology as stated in the above list. In our team approach, there are times that it could be a psychologist, or other times where it is a neuropsychologist. We work together in this particular area to determine what the processing issue is for the child.

Our overall team vision is to improve patient care by defining discipline-specific roles of information processing.  Achieving this goal requires dissemination of educational information about each discipline’s role using consistent vocabulary and language. That might sound like an easy thing to do, but it has taken a very long time - many, many years - as a committee and team to work through what the consistent vocabulary should be.  It can be very confusing to patients and families if we are all talking about the same thing but using different vocabulary. We have worked very hard to make sure that all of our interdisciplinary team members know the vocabulary to use. We try to remain consistent on that when we are counseling families. This allows both the referral sources and the families to achieve the most expedient and valid assessment and treatment for the child.

Now, let’s first discuss some details so that our vocabulary is indeed consistent. The Wikipedia definition of processing describes “the act of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures to convert it from one form to another.” An example would be a manufacturing procedure such as processing milk into cheese. Processing can also refer to an administrative type of procedure such as processing paperwork to grant a mortgage loan.

When we talk about information processing, that is essentially the change or the processing of information in any manner detectible by an observer. Again, we try to keep things in very generic vocabulary for the families and then narrow it down by discipline. For us, that has really seemed to help the families get a better understanding of what we are talking about.

martha coen cummings

Martha Coen-Cummings, PhD, CCC-SLP

Martha Coen-Cummings, PhD, CCC-S has worked at Cincinnati Children's Hospital for over 25 years.  She is the Coordinator of the Mason location Speech-Language Pathology department, was nominated in 2010 for the hospital's Woman of the Year award, and in 2014 nominated for the Cincinnati Enquirer's Woman of the Year award. Also in 2010 she was chosen as one of Cincinnati Children's Hospital's Jefferson Awards winners for her active volunteerism. She received the department's Director's Award for Excellence in December, 1999, the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association's "Elwood Chaney Outstanding Clinician Award" in 2007, was named Fellow of the Association in 2008, and Honors of the Association in 2012. She has achieved 10 Awards for Continuing Education through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and in 2012 completed the ASHA's Leadership in Healthcare program. 
She graduated from Miami University of Ohio with a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in 1984, and 1985 respectively. She earned her PhD at the University of Cincinnati, in 1994 with minors in Management and Statistics. Her main clinical specialty areas of voice disorders and treatment of auditory processing disorders have led to numerous presentations at the local, state, national, and inter-national levels. Over the past 30 years, Martha has served in numerous elected positions and committees in the local and state professional associations that she has joined. She held President positions in the following professional associations; Southwest Speech and Hearing Association, the Northern KY Speech and Hearing Association, and the Ohio Speech Language
Hearing Association (OSLHA).

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