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Checklists for Pragmatic Evaluation

Nancy Creaghead, PhD

March 17, 2003



I understand the need for authentic assessment but do you have a suggestion for a ''guide'' of sorts to help us stay focused and looking at all the necessary elements? I kind of feel overwhelmed with info lately and now can't think clearly about it all.


These checklists are appropriate for children with mild to moderate pragmatic difficulties.

Shipley, K., McAfee, J. (1998) Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology, San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.
There is a general checklist and protocol for eliciting the behaviors on page 202-203.

Nelson, N. (1998) Childhood Language Disorders in Context, Boston, Allyn & Bacon.
In chapter 6, there are charts on pages 217 and 225 that can be used for organizing pragmatic and semantic assessment information. There are additional tables in chapters 7, 9, and 11.

In response to a previous question on pragmatic assessment, Karen L. Thomas, MS/CCC-SLP. wrote Speech Pathology Online and provided two tools for use with children with severe pragmatic difficulties, such as autism. Karen Thomas is a speech-language pathologist for the Pittsburgh Public schools and provides services via autistic support classrooms. She has spent the last 8 years working with children with autism. Dr. Creaghead agreed with Ms. Thomas' suggestions of the following tools for these children:

The Pragmatic Language Chart by Susan Diamond, SLP from the April 1998 2nd Annual SHARE Support, Inc. NLD Symposium. This information can be accessed at www.nldline.com

The Functional Communication Profile - Revised by Larry I. Kleiman, which can be purchased through Linguisystems catalogue or their website at www.linguisystems.com.


nancy creaghead

Nancy Creaghead, PhD

Dr. Nancy Creaghead is Past President of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is Professor and Head of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati. Her teaching and research are in the area of child language development and disorders. She has been responsible for the development of outreach and distance learning programs for individuals working as speech therapists in the schools who need to obtain a master's degree. She has presented at numerous workshops and meetings at the local, state, national and international levels, including the 1978 through 2003 ASHA conventions, and is widely published. Dr. Creaghead is co-owner of a private practice, which provides speech-language services to children, primarily in Head Start and other preschool settings. She is a past president of the Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She has completed a three-year term as ASHA Vice President for Professional Practices in Speech-Language Pathology. She holds an M.S. from Purdue University and Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati. She is an ASHA Fellow and has received Honors of the Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

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