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Stuttering Ask the Experts

Search results for "Stuttering" in Ask the Experts

What are the Different Aspects of Stuttering that Influence Each Other

Shelley B. Brundage, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-F, ASHA Fellow

August 15, 2023

What are the different aspects of stuttering that influence each other in complex ways?   Read More

Temperament and Its Role in Speech and Language Disorders

Robin Michael Jones, PhD, CCC-SLP

February 1, 2016

What is temperament and what is its role in speech and language disorders?   Read More


Stuttering Support Groups

Craig Coleman, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-F

August 26, 2015

What is the best way to start a local support group for children and adults who stutter?   Read More


Neurogenic Stuttering

Craig Coleman, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-F

August 18, 2015

What is neurogenic stuttering?   Read More

Does Anxiety Cause Stuttering

Marilee Fini, M.A., CCC-SLP

October 28, 2014

Is there a correlation between anxiety disorders and stuttering?   Read More

Educating the Community about Stuttering

Craig Coleman, M.A., CCC-SLP, BCS-FD

September 30, 2014

How do we educate the community about stuttering?   Read More

The Importance Risk Factors in Young Children Who Stutter

Craig Coleman, M.A., CCC-SLP, BCS-FD

June 30, 2014

Why are risk factors important for young children who stutter?   Read More

Measuring Social and Affective Objectives in Stuttering

E. Charles Healey, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-FD

March 3, 2014

How do you measure a social objective or an affective objective for stuttering treatment so you have concrete data for your IEPs?   Read More

Student Not Bothered by Stuttered Speech

J. Scott Yaruss, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-F

January 27, 2014

Should I do traditional treatment for a student who says his stuttering is not bothering him?   Read More

Data Collection for Stuttering Treatment

Megan Scott Dacus, M.S., CCC-SLP

January 6, 2014

What are some recommendations for collecting data during stuttering treatment?   Read More

Generalizing Fluency Skills

Brent Gregg, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

July 15, 2013

It seems that often I can create such a pleasant environment during my client’s speech session that his/her fluency improves. However, it is hard to generalize into “less-kind” spea...   Read More

ADHD & Children Who Stutter

Corrin Richels, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

October 22, 2012

Is progress in therapy typically reduced for children with stuttering who also have ADHD?   Read More

Motoric versus Linguistic Planning

Corrin Richels, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

September 10, 2012

I have a 6-year-old student who stutters who scored at the 96th percentile on both the expressive one-word and the receptive one-word. He does not have any large discrepancies on the CASL or on the C...   Read More

Promoting Positive Interactions Between Students Who Stutter and Peers

Marilee Fini, M.A., CCC-SLP

July 23, 2012

Any suggestions on how to promote positive interactions with peer groups in the classroom? I am an SLP and also a resource specialist. One of my fifth graders stutters and I detect snickering and aw...   Read More

Stuttering Resources for Parents

May 21, 2012

I have a 16‑year‑old student currently in a general education classroom He started stuttering when he was 8 and was placed in a special ed. class with a few children who stuttered. He has...   Read More

IEP Modification for Student Who Stutters

Marilee Fini, M.A., CCC-SLP

March 26, 2012

Is it a good idea to have an IEP modification that allows a 16 yr. old who stutters to be exempt from giving oral presentations if he finds them to be too stressful? Currently, he is permitted to give...   Read More

How to Recommend Intervention to a Family Member

Craig Coleman, M.A., CCC-SLP, BRS-FD

December 5, 2011

My niece is 8 and has a lot of word and phrase repetitions on starts. She has had no therapy and her mother is in denial. She is beginning to show some secondary systems. What would you recommend?   Read More

When to Introduce Fluency Therapy into Your Articulation Treatment Plan

Craig Coleman, M.A., CCC-SLP, BRS-FD

October 3, 2011

If an SLP has been seeing a preschooler for articulation therapy and notices some disfluencies arising what is the best way to introduce the topic to the parents if they have not indicated any concern...   Read More

Online Disfluency Counts

Kia Johnson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

September 19, 2011

When taking a conversational speech sample at the beginning of a client’s fluency treatment session, should I collect the sample online?   Read More

Video vs. Audio-taping Disfluency Count Samples

Kia Johnson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

August 22, 2011

Would you suggest someone videotape the samples when doing a disfluency count or would audio-taping be okay when noting ISP's (inaudible sound prolongations)?   Read More

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